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Autofill: Setting Up Your Workflow
Autofill: Setting Up Your Workflow
Written by Hannah Hill
Updated over a week ago

Who Can Do This?

  • Dashboard Users

  • Owners

Before continuing, please note that you only need to set up your workflow for autofilling if you have used submission variables for your autofill fields. If you used manually entered text, you will not need to set up anything further within the workflow. Additionally, please check that your form settings are configured correctly for your autofilling process to be successful. You can read more about setting up autofill fields here.

Now that your form or forms have been set up for autofill, you are ready to configure your workflow so that each piece of data appears in its correct place.

Navigate to the workflow that needs to be configured. Click on Workflow from the options on the left side of your screen.

Check to be sure that your workflow is unlocked and that it contains any forms that are needed for your autofill process.

Click on the form step that contains the form that you would like your autofill data to "land" on in your workflow. In this example, the data collected on the digital form needs to be autofilled onto the paper form, so I would click on my paper form step.

The configurations for this step will appear on the right side of your screen. Scroll to the bottom of your configuration window and if your "landing form" was set up correctly, you will see the submission variables that you previously created listed under Form Data Inputs. You will see the name that you gave each of your submission variables and a purple Assign button next to each of them. This is where you will tell the workflow exactly which pieces of data to autofill into the previously determined fields on this form.

For each submission variable, click the purple Assign button.

You will now see a dropdown menu labeled Populate From. If the data that you want to appear on this form is being autofilled from submission data or workflow variables, you will choose Submission Info. If the data that you want to appear on this form is being autofilled from a previous form in this workflow, you will choose the name of that form step. In this example, I am choosing Digital Form - Initiator because I want my data to come from the digital form in my workflow.

A second dropdown will now appear labeled Using Property. If you chose Submission Info in the first dropdown, you will now see all of the data fields that are collected at the start of a submission, including any workflow variables that you created. If you chose a previous form in this workflow, like in our example, you will see all of the completer details and field names from that specific form.

Take a look at which submission variable you are assigning at the top of your configuration window, and choose the field that correlates. Be sure to select the piece of data that you want to directly send through this submission variable "door" onto your form.

Click the blue Assign button at the bottom of your configuration window.

You will now be taken back to your list of submission variables and can see that this particular submission variable has been assigned. To change which data is being autofilled here, click the red Unassign button and repeat the above steps to assign a new field of data.

Continue these steps until all of your submission variables have been assigned. Once that is complete, your autofill process is finished and ready to be used. We encourage running a test submission to be sure that it functions the way you prefer.

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