Inbox Only Users

Learn more about the access that Inbox Only users have

Written by Hannah Hill
Updated over a week ago

The Inbox Only level of access is great for users who are involved in completing steps in workflows, but who do not need access to pull reports or to build forms and workflows. While a large portion of completers won't even need this level of access and can easily complete steps through the workflow link, giving someone Inbox Only access will allow them to complete work across multiple workflows and view and download any past submissions they've made.

If you or someone in your organization has Inbox Only access within Script, this is what they will see when they log in to their account.

If there are any steps that require your action, those will appear under My Work here.

To access completed submissions from this account, click the second option on the left side of your screen.

If you have any completed submissions, you'll see those listed here. To download the submission, click the purple Download button.

To start a new submission on a workflow from your Script Inbox, click the plus sign on the left side of your screen.

Any workflows that are configured to be started from the Inbox will appear here.

To email a copy of the workflow link, click the envelope next to the name of the workflow. To start a submission right from your Script Inbox, click the purple Start New Submission button.

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