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Digital Forms
Content Editor Fields
Content Editor Fields
Written by Hannah Hill
Updated over a week ago

Who Can Do This?

  • Dashboard Users

  • Owners

This digital form tool allows you to provide additional information or guidance to the completer by embedding text, tables, videos, and images within a digital form.

First, navigate to the digital form on which you would like to add a content editor field.

Click Edit Form to open the configurations for your form.

To add a content editor field to your form, you will simply click the "+" sign next to Content Editor on the left side of your screen.

The content editor field will default to the bottom of your form, and you can use the compass button in the top right corner of the field to move it wherever you would like.

Unlike the other field tools, the configurations for content editor fields will appear directly within the field when it is selected.

Inside your content editor, you will see some helper text that says "Add Form Content Here". You can think of this area as the text box that you can type into in order to add text to your digital form.

In the first row of your content editor configurations, you will notice that you also have text editing options. You can make your text bold, italicize it, underline it, align it to the left, center, or right, add numbered lists, and create headings or subheadings.

In the second row of your content editor configurations, there are two arrows, with one pointing to the left and one pointing to the right. The arrow pointing to the left is your undo button, and the arrow pointing to the right is your redo button. These actions only apply to the content editor field, not the form itself.

The option that appears next in the second row of your content editor configurations is a hyperlink button. Once this is clicked, you can add the URL that you would like to link and the text that you would like to appear which will represent that link in your content editor field. Select the checkbox labeled Open in new tab if you would like the hyperlink to open in a new tab every time it is clicked. Once your hyperlink is configured, click the blue Insert button. Your hyperlink will now appear in your content editor. Click on the hyperlink to open the following additional settings:

  • Open Link

  • Text Style

  • Edit Link

  • Unlink

The option that appears next in the second row of your configurations is a table button. Click this button to add a table, and choose the number of rows and columns you would like it to have. Once that is determined, the table will appear in your content editor.

Click inside a cell to add text. These additional configurations will also appear when you click inside a cell:

  • Insert a Table Header

  • Remove Table

  • Insert Row Above, Below, or Delete Row

  • Insert Column Before, After, or Delete Column

  • Special Formatting: Dashed Borders or Alternate Rows

  • Merge Cells, Vertically Split a Cell, or Horizontally Split a Cell

  • Color a Cell Background

  • Align Cell Text to the Top, Middle, or Bottom

  • Align Cell Text to the Left, Center, Right, or Justify

  • Highlight a Cell Border or Thicken a Cell Border

The option that appears next in the second row of your configurations is a line divider. Click this to insert a dividing line anywhere in your content editor.

The next configuration option is a button that looks like a video camera which allows you to embed a video URL into this field. Click on this to enter the video's URL, and select Autoplay if you would like the video to play automatically without any action from the completer.

Once this is set up, click the blue Insert button and your video will now appear in your content editor. Select the video within this field to open these additional settings:

  • Replace

  • Remove

  • Display Inline or Break Text

  • Align Left, Center, or Right

  • Adjust the Size

  • Autoplay

The last configuration button looks like a picture and allows you to embed an image within this field. Once this button is clicked, you can add your image by uploading it or providing the URL for the image.

Once the image appears in your content editor, click the image to view the following additional settings:

  • Display Inline or Break Text

  • Align Left, Center, or Right

  • Remove

At the very bottom of your content editor field, you will notice that you can also insert an autofill tag. Autofill tags work very similarly to autofill fields on a form. To insert one, first make sure your cursor appears exactly where you'd like your autofill tag to appear. Once created, autofill tags are not easily moveable, so make sure your cursor is in the correct place before creating one.

Next, click Autofill. A window will appear that allows you to configure your autofill tag.

You will first be asked for a Display Name, which will only appear to users who are editing this form. When completers are viewing the finished form, they will only see the autofilled data here. Type in a Display Name that clearly identifies what type of data will appear in this autofill tag, such as "Student Name", "Location", or "Date of Event".

In the dropdown labeled Get Data From, select whether you would like to pull your autofilled data from Manually Entered Text or A Submission Variable.

If you chose Manually Entered Text, type in your predetermined text in the box labeled Manual Data Value. Then choose As a Direct Fill from the Auto Fill Data dropdown menu.

If you chose A Submission Variable*, select the submission variable that correlates to this autofill tag. Then choose As a Direct Fill from the Auto Fill Data dropdown menu.

*Must have submission variables previously configured on form (for more information on this, click here)

Click the purple Insert button to add your autofill tag to the content editor field.

Be sure to frequently click the purple Save Form button in the top right corner to ensure that your changes have been saved.

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