All Submissions Table

Learn more about how your submissions are organized and how to manage them

Written by Hannah Hill
Updated over a week ago

Who Can Do This?

  • Dashboard Users

  • Owners

The All Submissions table houses all of the submissions for that specific workflow and allows you to view detailed data about each submission.

Every workflow has its own All Submissions table to allow you to view, manage, and track the submissions of that workflow.

Navigate to the workflow you'd like to view the All Submissions table for.

From the navigation bar on the left side of your screen, click All Submissions.

First, notice the tabs at the top of the table. There are "built in" tabs that will appear here by default:

  • All Active Submissions

  • Archived Submissions

  • Recent Activity

  • Aging Submissions

  • Abandoned Submissions

  • All Submissions

Each of these tabs show you a different view of your workflow submissions. They are each tied to a default set of filters that can be adjusted, if you need. To see what filters are applied to a given tab, open that tab and click the blue Filters button underneath the row of tabs.

For example, if you are currently in the All Active Submissions view, you'll see the filters that apply to that view (tab) alone. The filter properties window will appear on the right side of your screen.

To change the rules of this filter, use the trash can button next to each rule or click the purple Add Rule button at the bottom.

To adjust groups of rules, toggle on the Advanced Mode button at the top of this window.

Create the rules that will give you the filtered view you are looking for, but notice that there is not a Save button at the bottom of your properties window. The filter you just created will temporarily apply to this tab or view, but when you leave the All Submissions table altogether, this filter will reset to its previous default rules. Filters can only be saved on custom tabs that you create and save (keep reading for more information on how to do this).

Exit out of the filter properties window and look back at your row of tabs. Notice there are small "pin" icons next to the names of each of your tabs. When a tab is pinned, that means this tab will always appear when the All Submissions table for this workflow is opened.

To unpin a tab, click the down arrow next to the tab name, and select Unpin View.

Once a tab is unpinned, you can now click that down arrow again to close this view from your table.

Click the blue All Views button at the end of your row of tabs.

Here you will see your Report Views window with a list of all of your Built In views, including any unpinned views.

To create a custom view (tab) for your submissions that you can save and that will appear each time the All Submissions table is opened, we're going to first make a copy of one of your Built In views. While you can use any of these, our recommendation is to use the All Submissions view as your copy. In the list of your Built In views, hover over All Submissions with your cursor.

A blue Options button will appear, click this and select Save As.

Create a name of your choosing for this custom view.

Under Sharing, select Private if you only want this view to appear for you in the All Submissions table. Select Everyone if you want this view to appear for anyone who has access to this All Submissions table.

You will now see your custom view appear and listed under Created By Me. Click the blue Options button to make a copy of this view, delete this view, or change the name and privacy settings of this view.

Click the "x" in the top right corner of your Report Views window.

Your new, custom tab will appear at the end of your row of tabs. Click on the name of this view to open the tab.

Click the blue Filters button to create the custom filters you'd like to have in place for this view.

Once your filters for this view have been created to meet your needs, click the "x" in the top right corner of your filter properties window.

Click the down arrow next to the name of the new tab that you created, and click Save.

Next, click Pin View to keep this tab open each time you open the All Submissions table.

You now have a custom view with custom filters through which to view and manage your submissions every time you open this All Submissions table.

To the left of the blue Filters button, there is a search bar. You can use this to quickly find a submission by typing in the name of the initiator, the step name, the submission ID, or any other identifying information that will help narrow down your search. Keep in mind that each view (tab) has its own search bar, so when you are searching within a certain tab, the search will only apply to the submissions that fall within that tab's filters.

Under your row of tabs, in the right corner, you have the option to Export View which will export the current table view into a CSV file.

Next to the Export View button, click Edit Columns to change the columns that appear in this table view.

On the left side of this column properties window is a list of all of the available options that you can choose from. The only columns that are required are the Submission ID, Initiator, and Current Assignee. Select the checkboxes next to the properties that you would like to appear as columns in your table.

On the right side of your window, you will see a list of the current properties that are selected. Use the handlebar to the left of a property to drag it to a different order of appearance. Click the "x" to the right of a property name to remove it as a column. You can also click on a property name and use the up and down arrows that appear to move it up or down the order of columns. When finished, click the purple Apply button.

Similar to the filters on a "built in" tab, there is not a Save button. Changes that are made to columns on a "built in" tab will reset once you exit the All Submissions table.

Column changes can only be saved on custom tabs that you create and save. To adjust the columns on a custom view that you created, click on your custom tab to open it.

Click Edit Columns and make any changes you need.

Click the down arrow next to the name of your custom tab and select Save. Your custom columns will now be saved within this view.

To sort your submissions by a certain column property, click the arrows next to a column to sort the submissions by ascending or descending order.

Each submission is assigned a unique Submission ID that can always be found in the first column of any view. This can be helpful to have when trying to identify a certain submission or when requesting help from our Support team about a certain submission.

*Keep in mind that any changes you make to the All Submissions table of one workflow do not apply to the All Submissions table of another workflow.

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